Address, Enhance, Restore the Tapu (Well-Being, Dignity) of People
so they have the Mana (Power, Authority) to achieve their Goals in Life.
- DoW Module 1: An Introduction to the Dynamics of Whanaungatanga
- DoW Module 2: Whanaungatanga – maintaining Quality Relationships in Life
- DoW Module 3: Tapu – a DoW Model for Well-Being and the Restrictions that Protect it
- DoW Module 4: Mana – our Personal Power & Authority for Playing Roles and Achieving Goals
- DoW Module 5: Pono Tika Aroha – DoW Action Principles for Values-based Decision-making
- DoW Module 6: Kai Whakakapi Tūranga – identifying Relationship Roles and Role-players
- DoW Module 7: Whakanoa – the Violation of Tapu and Mana
- DoW Module 8: Hohou Rongo – the Restoration of Tapu and Mana following Violation
- DoW Module 9: Te Wā – the Moments and Stages for Achieving Goals in Life